Waagner Biro Bridge Systems
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170 Years
5000+ Bridges

We provide market leading steel bridge solutions for clients worldwide


Originating in Vienna, Austria, Waagner Biro Bridge Systems looks back to a proud history of steel bridge engineering excellence across the globe.

Its service range covers design & engineering, fabrication / construction, delivery, installation and servicing for panel bridges, modular bridges and engineered bridges.



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Panel (Bailey) Bridges

This modular bridge concept is a flexible unit assembly system whose advantage is in its extremely short construction time. So panel bridges are often used as emergency bridges, temporary bridges, or military bridges.


Modular Bridges

These provide a quick and efficient improvement in infrastructure. This type of bridge is characterized by its fixed components which enable easy adaptation to individual requirements. Its markets are in regions which have a corresponding deficit in their infrastructures, like South-East Asia and Africa.

Waagner Biro Beam Bridges

Beam Bridges

The Waagner-Biro Beam Bridge Goliath WBG for single spans up to 40m and the Waagner-Biro Beam Bridge Hercules WBH for single spans up to 21m are modular steel bridge systems, designed and developed for heavy traffic loads (Eurocode) and a high number of fatigue load cycles. The beam bridges are suitable for both temporary and permanent applications.

Rental Bridges

Waagner-Biro offers a wide range of temporary, provisional and modular bridging for rental, hire and sale across Europe and worldwide. There are three main types of bridges available for temporary and quick bridging: beam bridges, panel bridges and truss-type modular bridges. Our renting or hire options are especially advantageous for provisional bridges that are used only for a few months or even years.

Modular Bridges for a Changing Climate

Climate change is affecting transport infrastructure at local, regional, and national scale all over the world. Many countries are affected by harsh weather conditions such as sea level rise, changes in precipitation, extreme weather, and heat. Waagner-Biro offers cost-effective modular bridge solutions to restoring damaged and lost infrastructure within days. The Waagner-Biro Panel Bridge (Bailey type) is especially suited for emergency and temporary use.

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Engineered Bridges

Cable-stayed, suspension, arch, plate-girder or even architecturally sophisticated bridges. These and other types of special bridges impress not only with their sheer size and span, they are also architecturally interesting constructions that have the potential to visually dominate the landscapes in which they stand.



Preventative maintenance is carried out to prevent the deterioration or failure of facilities through continuous and systematic inspection and detection. A rigorous program of preventative maintenance can extend the service life of a road, bridge, underpass or civil structure. This ensures that the maximum value is realised from the initial capital investment. Additionally, regular maintenance proves more cost effective than occasional major repair. The concept of preventive bridge maintenance is built on the understanding that a program of multiple relatively small repairs and activities will keep the structure in good condition. Thereby the large expense of major rehabilitation or replacement is avoided.



The Group

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Waagner Biro Bridge Systems AG / GmbH

The Waagner Biro Birdge Systems Group based in Austria carries on the proud legacy of over 160 years of company history. Today it specialises on the design, engineering and production of panel, modular and engineered bridges for clients in challenging operating environments.


Gaslaternenweg 4
A-8041 Graz

Wipplingerstrasse 25
2nd Floor
A-1010 Vienna

T: +43 1 288 44 0
E: bridge@wb-bs.com


PT Waagner Biro Indonesia

Using long standing market experience and its local fabrication workshop facility PT Waagner Biro Indonesia offers high quality engineered and modular bridges for the indonesian and Southern Asian market. It is a 100% subsidiary of Waagner Biro Bridge Systems GmbH in Vienna.


Talavera Suite, 11th Floor
Jl. Let. Jen. TB Simatupang Kav. 22–26
Jakarta 12430, Indonesia

T: +62 21 7592 4355
F: +62 21 7592 4358
E: indonesia@waagnerbiro-bridgesystems.com

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Waagner Biro Bridge Gulf LLC

Waagner Biro Bridge Gulf provides complete turnkey contractor solutions, offering not only complete in-house design & build solutions of an expansive fabrication yard, but also repair, maintenance services for critical infrastructure all under the one roof.


Tameem House (13th floor)
Barsha Heights
P. O. Box 8542
Dubai, UAE

T: + 971 4 440 38 70
F: + 971 4 440 38 71
E: info.me@wbb-services.com

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Waagner Biro Bridge Qatar W.L.L.

Founded in 2007 Waagner Biro Bridge Qatar W.L.L has distinguished itself as a general contractor in Qatar in the fields of maintenance & operation of water, bridge and critical infrastructure. It also offers bridge & structural as well as marine & coastal engineering solutions.


P.O. Box 24987
Office 406 (4th floor), Bldg. 98
Al Matar St., Najma (26)
Doha, Qatar

T: +974 4491 1277
F: +974 4432 1025
E: info.me@wbb-services.com


