In the market of truss-type modular bridges and modular steel bridges, Waagner-Biro is recognised as one of the most renowned and trusted suppliers worldwide. Modular bridge construction designed by Waagner-Biro is based on the proven idea of truss structures which combine the benefits of modern bridge construction and the highest level of flexibility with regard to bridge width, span and traffic load.
Waagner-Biro Modular Bridges are designed in such a way as to allow that each bridge can be constructed by local, unskilled workers using the simplest tools and lifting equipment. This bridge type is particularly suited for rapid installation in countries with less extensive infrastructures and in remote areas where robust bridges are needed and in countries with less extensive infrastructures.
Waagner-Biro is also one of the most respected suppliers of launchable long-span modular steel bridges with single spans of up to 121.5 metres to be used for permanent use on high-traffic routes. Long-span modular bridges also serve to replace old highway bridges in less accessible areas, as they can be built up very quickly compared to other types of permanent bridges.
Long-span modular steel bridge by Waagner-Biro (Puente General Viejo)
Over the past 40 years, Waagner-Biro has delivered more than 2200 modular bridges. This is equivalent to a total of 80 km of modular steel bridges delivered to countries all over the world. Large contracts were completed in Bangladesh, Belize, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Ghana, Honduras, Indonesia, Mozambique, Peru, Sri Lanka and the Philippines. Given its flexible design, modular steel bridges are especially in high demand in less developed countries in South-East Asia and Africa.
The modular bridge system consists of prefabricated components which are bolted together using basic tools to create the required bridge span or length. Standard spans range from 30 to 60m, based on modular increments of 5 metres. Long spans range from 60m to 120m, based on modular increments of 4.5 to 6 metres. The widths generally vary from 4m for single lane to 7m or higher for two-lane bridge decks. Multi-lane bridges are also available. Bridge decks are usually made of concrete or steel. Pedestrian walkways and crash barriers are also available.
All the materials of the structure, as well as the manufacturing, assembly and protective treatment comply with the technical requirements of the most current European standards and their equivalent American standards (Eurocodes, EN, EN ISO, ASTM, AWS). All modular steel bridges are hot-dip galvanised according to EN ISO 1461 or equivalent ASTM A-123 standard.
All components are fully interchangeable with all components of the same type/profile. The low weight of each individual component is light for typical field handling conditions and minimises the requirement for heavy equipment and tools. The bridges require minimal maintenance and repair.
The main advantages are low unit weights of bridge components, high durability, long service life, simple assembly with unskilled worker, low maintenance and replaceable elastomeric bearings. No welding is required. The modular bridge system as designed and delivered by Waagner-Biro also lends itself perfectly for rapid-to-build multi-span bridges.
At 121.5m the modular steel bridge across the Río General Viejo is to date the longest single-span modular bridge delivered by Waagner-Biro
The specific advantages of modular bridges are:
Rapid availability
Lightweight constituent parts
Light inherent weight due to high-strength steel
Easy transportation of the modules
Short construction time
High-strength bolts means no on-site welding
Construction by unskilled workers is possible
Various structural systems can be used (single-span, continuous beam)
Suitable for all types of traffic (including multi-lane) and railways.
Standardized, compact and interchangeable components
Long-term durability due to low material fatigue construction
Optimum protection against corrosion through hot galvanization
Low service and maintenance costs
Simple, low maintenance, replaceable elastomer supports