Quality is top priority for Waagner Biro Bridge Systems as a specialist supplier. To ensure product quality and customer satisfaction, Waagner-Biro implemented a quality management system ISO 9001 in 1995. Since then the system has continuously been adapted in order to comply with changes of the organizational environment, with varying needs associated with new products, new markets and changing requirements.
Quality is defined by the needs and expectations of the client. Waagner Biro Bridge Systems’s quality management system is designed to control product quality as well as to control all employed processes and resources. In 2000, the process approach introduced into the ISO standards has come along well with Waagner Biro Bridge Systems’s business which has a strong project orientation. The continual improvement of the quality management system is mainly based on the outcome from project execution processes. Therefore each project will be analysed regarding new knowledge, problems and critical success factors, in terms of “lessons learned”.
The documentation of the quality management system provides rules and guidance for daily work and gives tools for measurements of processes and setting objectives. Those written procedures also contain the Waagner-Biro’s health and safety policy which is a major concern of the company. All applicable local health and safety regulations shall be followed; accidents and occupational diseases should be prevented. The department Service-Maintenance has achieved certification of the health and safety system according to SCC++ (safety certificate contractors). This is a pre-condition for companies carrying out installation and maintenance in petro-chemical plants.
Waagner Biro Bridge Systems takes responsibility for the impact of its operational activities, especially in the field of environmental protection and sustainability. The aim is to meet all economic, social and environmental requirements.
In 2011, the introduction of an environmental management system and its associated certification to ISO 14001 was successfully completed. The continuous improvement process to which Waagner Biro Bridge Systems commits itself, goes beyond what is required by environmental regulations. Solutions that improve sustainability are suggested to the customer and key suppliers are also evaluated according to environmental and economic criteria. The possibility of purchasing locally is also taken into account.
The use of modern communication, like video conferencing, helps reduce the environmental impact of intensive travelling. Installation methods and maintenance requirements are analyzed from an environmental perspective and the customer is accordingly advised on appropriate alternatives.
In its daily office operations Waagner Biro Bridge Systems caused few emissions. However, opportunities to improve were identified, particularly in the volume of paper used. Above all, our employees are encouraged to support the implementation of our environmental policy.